Thursday, January 12, 2012

Consider Yourselves Inferior

Now, I hate to get up in your grill, but unless you can truthfully claim that you breed fire breathing, bomb sniffing, airplane-alternative sized bald eagles (WOO USA! Never too early to get that Olympic spirit on), you will never be as cool, or as brave as my dear friend Carolyn. Carl, Carlano, Carol, and Coral, just a few of the many names she is known by, was the one who suggested to our dear group of friends that we jump in a freezing cold lake on January 1, 2012. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure if its braveness or stupidity that she possesses for suggesting this, but Carlano, you know I love you anyway. Though these pictures are neither arty nor mine (photo cred goes to mama bear), they're extremely entertaining (if you're sadistic enough to find people half crazy from hypothermia funny!)

Yep, they even had a rescue crew complete with banana yellow thermal scuba suits. You say BIG! I say DEAL!

Carlano the brave on the right - it's pretty obvious - she's not even phased by the feeling of thousands of little water droplets freezing to your skin.

Till next time, 
May all your adventures be as amazing as this one was.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happiness Is A Warm Puppy

Well, "puppy" might not be the right word for him, but he'll always be a puppy in my mind.
Meet my personal bedwarmer, my go-to secret keeper, my living stuffed animal, my companion, my dog, Rio.

It's a dog's life indeed!


 His fangs may appear ferocious, but do not be afraid. He's really a great big lump of fur that loves to cuddle.

He's even a little camera shy! I guess he didn't like the clicking sound my camera makes. Oh well, it made an adorable picture.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Finals Prep, Anyone?

I have a confession. I'm currently, at this moment - this very SECOND - procrastinating. In less than 48 hours my sprint to the first semester finish line begins. In other words, I've got FINALS (bleh). A.P. US History, anyone? 

Good Ol' Robot Fun

Why my dad bought this vintage Rock Em' Sock Em' Robots set off ebay a few years back I have no clue. But you have to admit it does look pretty legit. 

Funny, this one is by far the best shot, and I took it by accident! Am I a noob or what?

Check out those guns. 

If only I could add a soundtrack to this picture. "Eye of the Tiger," anyone?

Till' Next Time,
The Inquisitive Narwhal

Hello friend!

 Hi there! With this being my first blog post I honestly have no idea what to say. This blog will mostly be for photography, but then again, no guarantees on how inspirational or moving it will be considering I just picked up the hobby about two hours ago. Anyway, here's yours truly with my (well, technically my mother's) camera. I'm not a super artsy person, so don't jump to any conclusions about me from this super artsy pic. It's actually taken of my reflection in my piano. Aren't I crafty? No, not really, I have to admit. I just thought it was sort of cool.

Speaking of piano, it happens to be another one of my hobbies. If only you could actually hear the song I was playing when this picture was taken - I promise you it was much more exciting than the picture itself. 

I guess that's it for now. Till' next time,
The Inquisitive Narwhal,